
Brown Discus

未予評估(IUCN 3.1)
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 脊索動物門 Chordata
綱: 輻鰭魚綱 Actinopterygii
目: 鱸形目 Perciformes
亞目: 隆頭魚亞目 Labroidei
科: 慈鯛科 Cichlidae
屬: 盤麗魚屬 Symphysodon

Brown Discus varieties originate in the lower Amazon region in Brazil. They have light to dark brown bodies and nine vertical bars. There are irregular streaks on the upper and lower fin areas. They usually display a yellowish coloring at the base of the dorsal fin, around the eye, and on the snout.Probably the easiest kind of discus to keep, this is also the easiest to find. It is comparatively adaptable and peaceful by nature.
A pair of discus who are ready to breed will select a territory within the aquarium and begin to defend it from other fish. However, it is best to transfer them to a separate tank for breeding. Discus originate from South America, it's generally proposed that their best environment would be blackwater, a condition similar to that of the Amazon, whereas soil and the abundance of trees and flaking vegetation create a murky, soft, ecosystem.Most varieties of Discus prefer a pH level between 6.5 to 7.0, but their resiliency is highly underrated, and can generally adapt to levels between 6.0 to 7.4. Like the Amazon, the water should be medium or soft, and in fact there is a chemical known as Blackwater extract available at most pet stores that will aide in simulating the environment.

Definitive guide to Discus: part one