The Amazon River, located in northern Brazil, is longest river in the world with 6850 km long from its source at 5600 meters of altitude in Peru to its mouth on Brazilian soil, near Para division with the Amapá .The Amazon River originates at Lake Lauri (aka Lauricocha), located in the Andes of Peru. He follows in the general direction of south-north to Pongo Manseriche, a region where its course follows the west-east route, going to the mouth in the Atlantic.
Right bank
The Javary River, Javari River or Yavarí River .Spanish: Río Yavarí; Portuguese: Rio Javari is a 1,184 km tributary of the Amazon that forms the boundary between Brazil and Peru for more than 800 km
Rio Jutaí: With its source near the region bathed by Ipixuna, a tributary of the Jurua has narrow passages and muddy waters.
Rio Jurua: Born in serro the favors to 453 meters high, is one of the most important afliuentes the Amazon, to be quite voluminous and the most winding of the region. It has 3283 km in length and the width at the mouth in fente Consciousness Island, near Tamaniquá village, ranging from 350-400m. Bathes the cities of Carauari, Jurua, Eirunepé, Foreign Ministry, Ipixuna and Canamari. From its mouth to the river Tarauacá the average width is 140 meters, falling to 100-120 meters in spurts and 80-120 meters in the corners. Your bed can be varied between 8-16 meters in water levels between ebb and flood respectively. Over 1,000 kilometers from its navigable course are in full . During the dry season navigation is limited to 136 miles from its mouth. Its numerous tributaries are navigable itntensamente for much of the year as the summer arise in some shoals that impede traffic.
Madeira River: With 3,240 km, is the most notable tributary of the Amazon, born of the junction of the Mamoré and Guaporé rivers, opposite the waterfall "Wood", formed by large rocks and islands, as well as debris brought by the floods. Can be navigable from its mouth to the St. Anthony's bedside on the border with the states of Amazonas and Mato Grosso.Between the rainy season and the dry river varies quite deep. In the dry season, the river waters that flow into the Amazon, forming beaches along its banks. In this period, in your bed can be sighted the large amount of stones that help form the periodic rapids .
Coincidentally or not with the rainy season , while the river fills with rainwater in the opposite direction to the delta, it is invaded by the waters of the Amazon and rises about 17m, flooding all the waterfalls in your bed to form a water mirror that both invades forests as beaches and covers the entire Amazon plain. At that time, the Madeira river is no longer a simple tributary of the Amazon River and becomes a dependent navigation channel of the "tide" of this confluence. This vast backwater is responsible for the transfer of solid material deposited with the roots of vegetation come to form the great dunes.
Purus River: With equal muddy waters of the Solimões and varying color according to the time of the flood or ebb, the river is born with the name of Pucani at an altitude of 500 m, in Contamana saw that separates it from the Ucayalli river basin. Its main tributaries are the Curiuja and Cujar streams. It's a very extensive river considering it has about 3325 km long.It enters the Amazon River west of the Madeira River, which it parallels as far south as the falls of the latter stream. It runs through a continuous forest at the bottom of the great depression, lying between the Madeira River, which skirts the edge of the Brazilian sandstone plateau, and the Ucayali River, which hugs the base of the Andes. The river forms a small part of the international boundary between Brazil and Peru before it crosses over completely into Peru.
主要支流Main tributaries of the Amazon River
馬臘尼翁河(Maranon River)Wikipedia
聖地牙哥河(Santiago River)
莫羅納河(Morona River)wikipedia
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帕奇特阿河(Pachitea River)
特拉皮切河(Río Tapiche)wikipedia
納波河(Napo River)wikipedia
阿瓜里科河(Aguarico River)wikipedia
庫拉賴河(Curaray River)wikipedia
查哇利河( Javary River)wikipedia
普圖馬約河(Putumayo River)wikipedia
雅普臘河 (Japura River)wikipedia
卡克塔河(Caqueta River)
普魯斯河(Rio Purus)wikipedia
内格羅河 (Rio Negro ) wikipedia
馬代拉河(Madeira River)wikipedia
特利斯皮里斯河 (Teles Pires) wikipedia
茹魯埃納河 (Rio Juruena)wikipedia
欣古河 (Rio Xingu)wikipedia
托坎廷斯河(Tocantins River)wikipedia
支流 tributary
阿瓦蒂巴拉那(Auati Parana)
巴拉那科佩亞(Parana Copea)
烏魯布 (Urubu)
庫魯阿烏納(Curua Una)
雅里支流 tributary Jari:
維拉諾瓦(Vila Nova)
More than 225 species, with estimates of 300 species, of cichlids are found throughout South America. An estimated 75% of these inhabit the mighty Amazon River Basin.